People on the move: Vusi Machie appointed as new Product & Pricing Manager at Volvo Car South Africa
By Khulekani On Wheels / on May 30th, 2023 / in Car News, featured
By Otsile Kadiege
Volvo Car South Africa recently announced the appointment of Vusi Machie as its new Product & Pricing Manager, with the highly educated product-strategy specialist bringing vast industry experience to this crucial role. Boasting more than 13 years of career experience working across three major mainstream automotive brands, his widespread exposure to various company cultures – from the “finesse of the Germans” to the “attention to detail of the Japanese”, in his words – stands him in good stead as he sets about ensuring Volvo Car SA offers the right product to local buyers.
Born in Secunda, Machie spent much of his childhood in KwaNdebele before commencing a tertiary education journey that continues to the present day. Despite already holding several qualifications in the field of finance, he is currently studying further to obtain a Master of Accounting Sciences degree from Unisa, as he believes “we stop growing and improving as people when we stop learning”.
Though he has spent time in the finance and banking industries, Machie says he has “had a passion for cars since childhood”, explaining he was “always intrigued” by what made buyers choose one brand or vehicle over the next. With many exciting new products in the pipeline, Machie hopes to help draw new customers to the Volvo brand, while also accelerating the adoption and accessibility of battery electric vehicles in South Africa and on the continent at large.
Machie is responsible for the management of the broader Volvo Cars product portfolio in South Africa as well as the introduction of new models, while also playing a key part in the Swedish luxury automaker’s overall market positioning and pricing strategy.